The role of trade unions to reduce the impact of international financial institutions

The role of trade unions to reduce the impact of international financial institutions

The Cooperatives

This educational video is about the Cooperatives .

Informal Economy

This educational video is about the ILOs Recommendation 204 about changing from informal Economy to Formal economy .

Employment and Climate Change

This educational video is about the consequences of climate change on employment and the role and actions of Trade unions.

Employment for disabled persons

This educational video is about the ILOs (C159) Concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment for disabled persons

Social Dialogue - A long path through History

A short documentary Video about the History of Social Dialogue, Produced by the Arab Trade union Confederation, within the SOLiD program launched on the 29 of september 2016. Funded by The European Union

Freedom of association

This educational Video is about the ILO Convention (87) on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise

Collective Barganning

This educational video is about the ILOs (C154) Concerning Collective Bargaining Convention and (C098) concerning Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention , (R163) concerning Collective Bargaining Recommendation and R091 concerning Collective Agreements Recommendation

Employment Security

This educational video is about the ILOs (C158) concerning Termination of Employment Convention and (R143) concerning Termination of employment Recommendation.

Workers representative

This educational video is about the ILOs (C135) concerning Workers Representatives Convention, and (R143) Concerning Workers Representatives Recommendation